Essay: The Chronology of Jesus' Ministry with Historical Evidence
Synthesis: Synthesis Of The 4 Gospels - Jesus Public Mission - draft
How to date Jesus' Ministry?
In the Essay above, the reader will find a concise analysis of "the timestamps" in the Gospels, related to Jesus' Life. Presented is the historical proven chronology of Jesus' Public Ministry, derived by comparing known external historical data, found in Jewish & Roman sources.
Starting from Luke's chapter 3, verse 1 to 3, a list of historical connections is given, that presents a chronological frame, terminus post quem & terminus ad quem, during which the events in Jesus' Life must have taken place. ("Summary Of Arguments", pp.26-29)
In this document you will find:
a. the only years Jesus' Mission may have started (Arguments 1 to 5);
b. the timeframe within which Christ's Birth took place (Arguments 6 to 10);
c. the only years Jesus' first Passover at Jerusalem may have occurred (Arguments 11+12)
d. the only years Jesus' Passion may have occurred (Arguments 13 to 24);
e. a solution to the supposed conflict between John's dating of Jesus' Passion,
and the Synoptics (p.11; see also: "Timestamps in the Gospels", Part II)
f. an Overview of Jesus' entire public years of mission.
Enjoy! Marcel de Ray, author&publisher.
*You can download this essay by clicking on the link above.
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